For the academic year 2024–2025,
Feel free to see any of us, or indeed any professor, if you have questions about the graduate program.
Graduate Student Handbook (PDF) [Last updated 2024-09-17] - Hopefully the definitive source for degree requirements, policies, deadlines, advising, grievances, as well as a good dose of supportive advice.
First-year resources - Current syllabi for first-year core courses and preliminary exams, as well as sample exams.
TA Reference - Your job as a teaching assistant assigned to a mathematics class is to help the instructor teach and to help the students learn. Exactly what this means will depend on the class and the instructor. This document attempts to outline general department policies and College regulations that apply to all TAs, as well as to pinpoint some resources and contacts that might be useful to you.
The Guide - Now What - A guide for graduate students written by Mark L. Tomforde (Ph.D. 2002) more fully titled: "I've passed my quals, now what?" (A guide for Ph.D. candidates in mathematics at Dartmouth College). Mark offers a great deal of insight into the entire process of choosing an advisor and successfully writing your thesis.
Guarini thesis guidelines (updated September 2022)
LaTeX PhD thesis template (.zip archive, updated May 2024) Authored by Francois Dorais and updated by Geoff Goehle, David Freund, Daryl DeFord, Mits Kobayashi.
Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning - all services are available to graduate students.